Zoom in for notes: I made this with GNU Image Manipulation Program, and that one drawing program.
I have been a fan of very dark reds and greens recently, I saw a Hatsune Miku illustration I really liked and it had text in this very dark green color and I thought it was beautiful.
It had a wonderful use of gradients and shapes, very beautiful illustration.
I wish I made the top line part of the tassel thinner but it would require re-shaping the hand that is holding it, sad.
The background obscures a lot of the details eminating from the left character, disappointing.
I am pleased with how this ended up because I initially drew something very sloppy and arbitrary as I was figuring out what I wanted to draw but I thought and decided to stick with my guns and just make that a full illustration.
I think in order to make more and better art is to just stick with my guns more.
I typically want to get something done fast, I don't like to deliberate for too long or else it will never get finished, so if it doesn't grab me immedietely I don't care, but I have to learn patience in creation and not to be so quick to discardment.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with that one drawing program.
This was to practice drawing a character and finding the purpose and appeal of their design, I found enjoyment.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
I don't have anything to say.