2023 Artwork

Things to note: Most of these are untitled as I don't typically title my works. I encourage zooming out and zooming in when appropriate, both for differing resolution sizes and small additional notes. Lower resolution photos are either because I pulled them from my phone or because I made them low resolution.

Title: "End"

Zoom in for notes: I made this with GNU Image Manipulation Program.
This is meant to depict a very specific event, it is the end to a story I never finished and, as of now, don't desire to finish it. I am proud of this piece, I think it is one of my better
works, the weird aliasing stuff around the characters is something I wish I took out but decided to just leave it. I think it looks nice in some areas and dumb in others. This is a remake of another
illustration I did a few years before this one, I thought it looked terrible and was a disservice to the emotional potency that I originally wanted to be conveyed so I re-did it. I like the textures in this
illustration and the little details, I enjoy the tree branches reaching through the tubes, the grain and additional visual effects. The creation of this was very emotional, I was very frustrated creating
the characters and eventually tried destroying them in whatever way I could as I was extremely unhappy with how they looked and was ravaged by extreme emotion. Again, to somewhat rephrase
what I said at the beginning, I think this is the best piece i've ever made.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with that one drawing program.
The background image is a blurry picture of my television with Animal Crossing for the GameCube running on my Wii. I wish I made "unresponding heart" say "heart murmur". It was fun to create
a picture with such vertical length as I consider that to be atypical for me. I wish I made the frame more ornate and polished, same goes for the lower-half of the characters body. I don't have
anything else to say I think.

Title: Pendulum; opened wound for fetish, god immortality push in, scream until your throat is nothing but bloody torn tissue marked all on your body, slow
murmur breath as you bleed eternally, immortal, you will never die in my hands, captured once, but i'll make it happen again forever

Zoom in for notes: I made this with acrylics.
The weird red gear things you see in the characters head is leftover for when this was a more, uhh, I guess "surrealist" painting, you'd be looking in the characters skull. The process is not too
disimilar to "End", but this was imbued with more extreme emotion. The excessive amounts of red strands is because I hated the drawing, the colors were bad, I didn't like it. I wanted to make the
stupid picture bleed, I was so angry I just wanted to cover it all with blood and make it die. This ended up making the picture cooler looking, so I did some other stuff and finished it. I didn't mean
to add two text boxes but due to the nature of the medium I could not erase it.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
The first of many low resolution artworks, I knabbed this version of the piece from my phone. I don't know what to say about this...um...The masks were inspired by something but I don't
remember, the faces on the right are supposed to be masks propped up, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. This one is mediocre. I want to add that there is something I like about low resolution
images, having to deal with so many pixels is annoying, too much clutter.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with that one drawing program.
I don't have anything to say.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with that one drawing program. Cropped alteration of a larger picture.
This is based off a hallucination I had in bed and my reaction to it. I was laying down while the rising sense of a terrible sickness was rises within me (throat sickness, could barely eat)
and I saw the thing described in the picture. I cried when I saw it break and was extremely upset, I audibly gasped and put my hands over my mouth, it was very strange. About that
sickness, all I ate for the week or so I had it was warm tea, I binged the entirety of Civvie's Thief review series absent mindedly. The first food I was able to actually eat was watermelon, I devoured
it, the feeling of being able to eat was amazing.

Title: "Blueberry Boy's first day of school"

Zoom in for notes: I made this with GNU Image Manipulation Program.
The face is a youtuber, I censored their face here because I don't wanna get in any trouble. If you are this youtuber, sorry, I just thought it was funny.
I made this one purely for fun, I wanted to see how absurd of an image I could make with just this youtuber, it was quite fun, I was thinking about blue pikmin kind of. Do you like Blueberry Boy?
How do you feel about his extra head birth defect? Do you like the giant beautiful leaf? I think the red vignette is funny, as if to suggest Blueberry Boy is evil, dithering is awesome. I wish the giant
leaf was a bit transparent, it'd look cool with the dithering effect.

Title: "Pikmin fanart."

Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
This looks like poop but also pretty good, the rendering on the helmet is kind of bad, and the flowers just being directly from the clay models could have used some extra effects or something,
dithering preferably. I like the shading on the characters and I enjoy the gradient. This is just fanart, I have a sentimental connection to the first Pikmin for very personal reasons.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
I was listening to a song and decided to draw a legless and armless robot that is incessantly tortured. It was originally a human, but turned into a robot, it lives it's life as a device for the purpose of
being hurt and tortured to alleviate stress of others. After being forced to live this life for so long, it starts to assimilate that self image, his perception of himself as a human rots away, he assimilates
the behavioural patterns of being a robot, he begins to similate his own emotions, he simulates his own conciousness. He becomes a pleasure machine, he pretends to scream, he pretends to cry, he
pretends, there is nothing left within his mind. These ideas weren't there in the creaiton process it was post-creation, sorry if it is stupid.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
This is a very old character, I felt like drawing him, he is evil.

Title: "Copper Odyssey Fanart."

Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
I am still proud of this one, I was doing some experimental art thing that was stupid and bad but it polished up my painting skills and that resulted in this work, which again, I am quite proud of.
I added a bunch of random details to make it differentiable from the original, but also because I thought it looked nice, the stars are nice. The game in question, Copper Odyssey, is quite good you
should check it out, free on itch.io or 4 dollars on steam.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
Yeah whatever.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with that one drawing program.

Title: "Zera engages in shallow self reflection"

Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
This is one is a bit silly, Zera is a very very very VERY old character of mine and as stated in the title, he's reminiscing about how a pretty girl moved in with him. The girl is named Intalia, about as
ancient as Zera, and she moves in with him because she is an alien/off-breed human species thing that crash lands on a snow-planet and he gave her a home. Zera is not a TV head character, the face
is a slug/parasite creature that uses the TV as a holding for it's body. He used to be more flamboyant and expressive but I made him more reserved and calculated with a glaze over his eyes. I was
thinking of adapting a little story I had in mind with these characters using RPG Maker, but that's on the back-burner right now for other stuff I am working on. I have let go of many old characters,
but I cannot seem to let these ones go, they mean a lot to me.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
This is another old character of mine, not as much as Zera & Intalia but still old. His name is Oliver, I don't want to say that much about him but he is another character that's characterization has
mellowed out in recent years.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with that one drawing program.
I like Deltarune, I drew characters from that game here. I drew other things alongside it, these types of drawings are very stream of conciousness, I just draw and draw and see where it ends up.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with that one drawing program.
This is meant to depict someone crying and the other one is being there to comfort them, holding their hand and telling them it is going to be okay. You cannot tell due to the characters being
abstract cubes.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
Wanted to draw my character "Daemon" with a cowboy hat.


Zoom in for notes: I made this with GNU Image Manipulation Program.
This sure is a drawing.