Zoom in for notes: I made this with ink pens on paper and that one drawing program.
I don't have anything to say.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with GNU Image Manipulation Program.
The brain is drawn with pencil.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with that one drawing program.
This is based on a dream I had. From what I remember, it involved this woman moving away from her mothers to get into a college, but due to their bad relationship, the departure wasn't a clean one.
She had to move into a weird dorm in some kind of building besides an elementary school with only one room to herself, it just had a bed and no room for anything else. There was a closet, but no
leg room on the floor, and no windows. A zombie outbreak was about to happen as she begins her new life, and she is crying to herself. This is a crude sketch, but what's being depicted here is fantasy
trying to lull her away from reality. The dream was night-time with lots of warm orange colors.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with GNU Image Manipulation Program and Paint Tool Sai.
I was watching the animated opening to Sonic CD and saw a frame and thought his shoe looked like a weird bird, so I drew a bird who is everyones friend.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
This is a creature is a large endless nonsensical house, viscous with pointless hallways and infastructural oddities. I imagine she is composed of disconnected limbs because elementary school girls ripped her apart.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai and that one drawing program.
I don't have anything to say.
Zoom in for notes: I don't remember what I made this with.
Susie is a girl who lives in a suburban neighbourhood planted by the CIA. Every house is built with the same sterile frame-work and white paint, flourescent street-lamps litter each street and a cult lingers it's dark alleyways.
It is drenched in an eternal night, it has been long-abandoned yet every home is furbished and cleaned to perfection. Susie lives the immortal life of being dragged around as the sacraficial lamb to the lurking cult, alive to be
lascerated, tortured and mutilated for the pursuit of religious vanity, perverted fantasies and sadistic pleasures of others. She is tired in this portrait and wants to kill herself, her face is different than it was 2 years ago.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
I don't have anything to say.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
This is the true end to the story, unviewable but is true.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with Paint Tool Sai.
I don't have anything to say.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with GNU Image Manipulation Program.
I don't have anything to say.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with that one drawing program.
I don't have anything to say.
Zoom in for REAL notes: I made this with REAL Paint Tool Sai.
Zoom in for notes: I made this with GNU Image Manipulation Program and other things.
I don't like how the clay looks.